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We invite you to visit the 500th anniversary website of Concordia Seminary at http://reformation500.csl.edu
The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther Project - Sponsored by The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod-New Jersey District
Perhaps the most significant discovery of the Renaissance and Reformation era is Luther’s contribution that God has a divine plan for the history of the world and that people receive eternal life by their faith in Jesus Christ. (Romans 3:28) The Reformation of 1517 is a turning point in world history and a primary motive for the settlement of the New World. This era experienced religious wars, the celebration of religion in art, music, and literature, and political changes in Europe. The message of the Reformation for people living in the 21st century is the answer to the universal question: What is the purpose of my life and does my faith in God really matter?
Some issues to consider as we approach the 500th anniversary of this historic turning point between the medieval and modern world are:
1. Why is spiritual growth in our lives important?
2. Why did the reformers consider the Holy Bible as the source of truth?
3. Why is God's Word and the sacraments of Baptism and The Lord's Supper important in my life?
This website and project is dedicated to the commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the The Protestant Reformation - 1517-2017. The Reformation formally began on October 31, 1517 when Martin Luther posted his Ninety-five Theses in Wittenberg, Germany.
The following links on our website include information that we hope is of interest to you:
Education - Classroom lessons, information about our essay contests, interpretive readings, Renaissance timeline, online resources, videos.
Historical Documents - Documents relating to the Reformers (Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, Knox More), Images, historical timelines, Centennial Remembrances
Spiritual - Inspirational messages, educational trips to Europe, Quizzes(!), Core Beliefs of Christians, In the Footsteps of Luther, Events
Luther's World - Historic churches in Europe, Renaissance music, Luther's Facebook Page